Looking for a fun and creative Easter activity for kids and seniors? Try making a colourful Easter egg paper collage! This simple and engaging craft project is perfect for all ages and can be done with just a few basic supplies.

How to make An Easter Egg Paper Collage
Materials you’ll need:
- Coloured construction paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Markers or crayons
- Easter egg template (you can find one online or draw your own)
- Large sheet of white paper
- Start by cutting small square shapes from the coloured construction paper. You can make them in various sizes and colours to create a vibrant collage.
- Arrange the square pieces on the egg template.
- Once you are happy with the layout, glue the square pieces onto the template.
- Cut out the egg.
- On a large white sheet of paper, draw all kinds of lines with markers or crayons.
- Glue the egg on top of the doodle lines.
- Let the collage dry completely before displaying or hanging it up for Easter.
This Easter egg paper collage is a fun and festive activity that can be enjoyed by kids and seniors alike. Get creative and have fun making colourful and unique Easter egg collages!